Reimagining Real Estate

The world is changing, so are buyers. New generation wants a better way to buy and sell homes. We help you do that.

Real Estate BusinessConsumers

Trusted by forward-thinking real estate agents


Designed with the user in mind.

Viila Agent Dashboard is built for agents who care about their customers.
Listing Management: We help you save 70% time putting your listing info online.
Customer management: Customer Info, Inquiries, Schedule, Offers, and Insight. All in one place.
Viila For Real Estate Agents →
Viila for consumers

Better way to buy and sell homes

Seamless end-to-end customer experience
Map view: Viila gives you the location of every property so you don't have to hunt to know where it is.
Simple and intuitive: Design and build with consumer-first approach to offer the best user experience.
Digital First Experience: Schedule viewing, Asking questions, Make an offer. All online.

Map view

Every property on Viila has location on the map.

Online schedule

Schedule viewing a home with agent in a few clicks.


Like the house? Make an offer on Viila and get a *cashback.


Directions and Distances between each property and nearby places.

Get notified

Get notified when price or status of your favorited home changed.

Instant Material

No need to wait for agent to reply with materials with Instant Reply.
viila for real estate agents

Designed with users in mind.

Viila Agent Dashboard is built for agents who care about their customers.

Listing management

We help you save 70% time putting your listing info online. Unlimited listing, High quality images.

Customer management

Managing your prospect and customers in one place. Schedules, questions, offers, customer insights, and more.


Detailed report, executive summary, Be on top of your business.

Property database

Get access to all the properties on the market on Viila. Gain market insight.

Viila Estimate

Applied AI & Machine learning for real estate industry. Land price data from MLIT.

Hazard Map

Powered by Japan's Open data initiative. Hazard map and other open data on the map. Giving users more power.

All type of medias

Make your listing stand out with unlimited high resolution photos, Youtube Video, 3D scan, VR tour.

Automatic multilingual listing

Viila automatically translates your listing information to multiple languages so you are ready for worldwide audiences.
Learn more →
Are you a real estate agent?

Book a free demo to learn more.

Learn how Viila can help your business.
Unlimited listing
List your new properties in minutes
Access to property database
User insights
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